Friday, February 12, 2010

Coming up for air!

Wow, the first part of this year has been incredibly busy! I have had so many projects that needed to be worked on, groups that needed leading, one child that needed to be picked up and dropped off at dance practices and now a house that badly needs to be cleaned.

I have finished my latest pattern - BRR SNOW! It is available at my LQS (local quilt shop, for those unfamiliar with the acronym!) and will be listed on my Etsy shop very soon - here's a picture:

This will also be available for a limited time with a kit including the thimble charms and white fabric.

I have been also been working on some UFO's (UnFInished Objects) and some PIGS (Projects In Grocery Sacks). I made 24 strip blocks to lighten the load on my drying rack, and plan to finish 20 more this month.

I've been sorting and organizing in my studio. I have a pile of books ready to list on e-bay, time to clear out the shelves! I have custom orders coming in that will need to be started soon.

All of the work seems overwhelming at times. I wonder how in the world I am going to juggle it all. Then I hop over to Facebook and play bejeweled for way too long. Slowly but surely, though, I am making progress.

I am completing the goals I set for myself.

And I do take time out to have a little fun, quilting style!

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