Friday, September 04, 2009

Working, Baby, Working.

Yep, I've been doing a lot of work at the quilt shop, my daughter gave birth to her second son and I have been working on some big projects. But, there is light at the end of the tunnel, and I hope to get back to quilting and blogging about quilting in the very near future!

This post is instigated by today's post on the Jolly Jabber blog. I absolutely love Fig Tree Quilts and I will do just about anything to increase my chances of winning! They have a new club and it is so tempting, but I have so many projects already pending that I really can't indulge right now. But maybe if I can get some projects done this month I will think about it a little more!

I still have to finish my jacket using the Patisserie fabrics I bought with the gift certificate I won from the the virtual quilt show earlier this summer - really need to remember to call and order the pattern or it won't get done in time for the quilt show. Plus that it will be jacket weather soon and I will be glad to have it ready to wear!

One more little blurb and I will go to bed - we got our Accu-quilt Studio in at the quilt shop today! Too much fun, we cut up 10 jelly rolls for the autumn braid quilt and chose fabrics for a charm pack to make up a little table runner I am designing on the fly - another project I need to make a little time for, but it will be worthwhile, I can sell my pattern at the shop. I started working on my Autumn braid quilt tonight, need to get it done before the show also so we can take sign-ups for the class. I am overcommitted as always, but by the time the show is over my life should settle down and I will have time for some serious quilt making. I have a long list of projects to work on, and blog about!

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