Monday, July 07, 2008

On-line meets IRL

Or In Real Life, as I'm sure most of you know.

I had the opportunity to meet someone that I've gotten to know through Etsy. Her name is Michelle and her shop is DragonflyStitches. We had a neat time meeting at Threads That Bind and getting to know each other a bit. She's a lucky lady, she has 25 quilt shops within 25 miles of her house! I have 1. Sad! Oh well, there are perks to living in a small town. Everything is only 5 minutes away.

We had a great visit, it was really fun to talk to her, and her mom. Her little daughter is a doll, too! Always fun to make a new friend.

The rest of the day I spent on the usual stuff. I altered a wedding dress, bound a quilt, went shopping and cleaned house a bit. Tomorrows a long day at the shop, so I'm going to close down early tonight and get some rest. Wonder what interesting things tomorrow will bring?


  1. Anonymous9:37 AM

    What fun! Nice shop too!

  2. How fun Pamela and Dragonfly!

    I would like to meet you all. 25 quilt shops in range, amazing. I think I have 2.


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