Thursday, May 29, 2008

Spinning my Wheels

I finished quilting this queen sized quilt this morning. I am calling it Spinning Wheels - not really an official name because it isn't my quilt, but one that I have finished for someone else. It started with a pile of blocks with various amounts of four different colors, and a lot of yardage that seems to have originally been planned for a backing. They were made by my clients relative and were all varying in size and accuracy. Not optimal quality, but sentimental, I wanted to use them as is and not spend a lot of time re-doing someone elses precious work.

I used EQ5 to come up with a layout that we both liked, and we decided to use the yardage as the setting squares and borders to float the blocks and show them off in all their glory! I had a bit of a time sewing everything together and trying to get them to lie as flat as possible. Seeing that it was a quilt top in need of every bit of help it could get I decided to use poly batting to give the poofy parts a little more lift, and I quilted it with a large meander to try to even things out as much as humanly possible.

Not too bad, all in all! I have a few puckers on the back that I need to take care of, but all in all, it's a nice quilt and should be usable for a good long time!
Now, I just have to bind it. The easy way would be to use the same fabric as the border, but I think I'd like to try to match the darker blue in the pinwheels to frame it up and give it a ncie finish. So, off I go to the fabric store! One more UFO bites the dust, unfortunately it's not one of mine, but I have every intention of tackling some of those next week...

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