Week 6 was a little crazy. I tried taking my notebook with me, but doing morning pages in a motel room with two other people distracting me just doesn't work. I really need my alone time to do the writing. Technically the week-end pages probably belong to week 7, but I want to start that week with a clean slate! I like spending that thinking time alone with myself in the morning. I really feel centered and ready to start the day after taking the time to look inwards.
Weekly walk, didn't happen. Not sure why? It is sure hard to fit in my day, I hope the longer days will help and I can start walking in the late afternoon before I start dinner. The mornings just don't seem to work when my schedule is full.
Artist Date: I'm considering my trip to Bridgeport Mall my artist date. It was grand! I went into so many stores and saw wonderful things, pretty pillows and vases, clothes in all the hot colors and styles, and just enjoyed people watching, too! I found a fabulous red coat in Urban Outfitters, it was marked down to $50.00 and I just had to buy it. It has a lovely soft furry white lining and just a little bit of embroidered ribbon trim on the top. It's not bulky or puffy, just pretty and bright, and it makes me happy just to think of wearing it!
My thoughts on this chapter was that maybe I'm not so bad at having boundaries after all! I usually don't talk a lot about my projects, at least not the ones that are really mine, until they are complete. Usually if I have a project I am stuck on it is because of a problem I have with it. I enjoy my private little space (when it's halfway clean anyway!) and am able to escape there fairly often. I can even close the door and be all alone if I want to! I have pulled out a couple of things I want to finish up. One is a pattern for a quilt that I want to market along with my other two. I have a second pattern to work on also, but I need to finish the quilt first. My to do lists are long because of the long weekend, but I am carving out a little time every day to get these completed.
Definitely too much inflow in my life, and I really need to work on allowing myself more space and setting some limits on what I will do and when. As a people pleaser, it's too easy for me to say, "sure, I can do that this week" when in reality it means sacrificing the time I set aside to do what I want to do. I really do need some quiet and time to just piddle and putter with fabric, or play with EQ5.
Community is pretty much my life. In a small town everything is community! I like it, though. I like knowing the grocery clerk, and the librarians. I like reading the paper and seeing what is happening with people. We really are connected to our neighbors and schools and church, and it is wonderful how we can all care for and about one another.
1 comment:
I love our sketchbook pouch; I think I need to make one of my own ;-)
The red coat sounds great.
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