I had a lovely birthday yesterday. Hubby and I spent the day driving up the Oregon Coast, having a delicious lunch at Bliss' Hot Rod Grill, and ending up at the Aquarium in Newport. It was a beautiful August day - blue sky, sunshine, and a nice gentle breeze keeping the temperature just right. We had a wonderful time chatting and remembering our last trip there - we couldn't believe that it's been 15 years! How the time goes by when you are busy raising your children. The only down spot was that I totally forgot to bring my camera! I am so bad at that, I just guess I need to start keeping it in my purse when I'm not using it.
I didn't do any sewing yesterday, but on Wednesday I finished sewing the bodies of the rest of the bags and finished half of the handles. So today's agenda is to finish the bags and the luggage tags to go with them. I also got a call yesterday to hem a dress, so that will be on the list also. Isn't it funny how when I'm busy, I just get busier. That's a good thing, though!
I ordered my saddle shoes and cat eye glasses to complete my look for the ladies retreat last night! I can't wait. Wish I had an excuse to dress up more often, I really love costumes! I've been buying a pattern every time they are on sale at Jo-Ann's lately. I figure I might as well start doing some of the things that really make me smile instead of what is expected all the time. When I'm an old lady I won't be wearing purple, I'll be wearing my dress up box!
Pamela - off to finish the bags so she can have some fun!
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