Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A Pretty Pirate Costume

This is the one clothing item I entered in the fair. Every year I say I am going to enter more, but then when it comes fair time, I don't really have anything! When I made this for my daughter's halloween costume I thought that if I put it away, then it wouldn't get trashed or given away, so I could actually have something to enter in the fair.

She picked out the colors and fabrics and I did all the sewing. It was not a quick and easy costume, but it did really turn out cute. She wore it to the mall costume parade and won a trophy for cutest costume! I learned a lot about working with pleather. I had to come up with a different method to make the elastic waist because I didn't have the right foot to use on it, but it came out well in the end. Though you can't see it in this picture the sleeves also have the leather eyelet trim and lacing on them.

Oh, the reason I got a second place was because the neck trim wasn't even. One side comes down a little lower that the other! It's amazing the detail those judges catch!

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